Earning free Platinum is easy!
You can find the Earn Free Platinum button by going to the Platinum store in the mobile versions of the game. Free Platinum is not available in the Chrome versions of the games. Free Platinum is given out for completing w3i offers!
Make sure you follow the following steps when completing offers:
- Ensure you are using a strong internet connection.
- From the store page, select the Earn Free Platinum button.
- Select the desired application you wish to download from the list provided.
- If you are an Android users select Market.
- You will be taken to the iTunes or Android info page of the selected application.
- Select Free (price) and Ok or Install.
- iTunes users must submit their password when prompted.
- The application will download and install.
- Open the downloaded application and allow it time to load up fully.
- In 5 minutes start/restart Pocket Legends or Star Legends.